Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2007

Theology Philosphy


Aripin Tambunan

Is it probable to conduct one approach with based on theological simultaneously philosophical? Is it not the both thinking approach most contradictory? In which theology in search the truth on the based of the existence the revelation from the creator that has described and explained the origin of something. As the revelation has explained about origin all anything. As the revelation has explained about origin all anything, and then the explanation has to be received fully as a truth.[1] Of course in this receiving must be based on faith.

In building its basic thinking the philosophy is based is based on ratio. Its meant, what that can be sensed with sensory in the experience of humankind life and met the rational rules (formal logic). If something can not be sensed with sensory and it is not met the logic formal rulers, it can not be recognized as a truth (it has no valid as a know ledges). So it can be said that the philosophy approach in building its thinking is based on an empirical and rational.

Based on two thinking approach, it is impossible, there will be able to build a thinking approach in which theology and simultaneously also philosophy. Such as, for example, some subjects that holy inspiration explained, about the creation of universe, miracles, can not be accepted in the based on the philosophy (contradictory). Because science explained that universe was created due to the occurrence Big Bang, and according to science the miracles that pointed out in Bible cannot be catched by reason because they are in supra-ratio.

But, in fact, two thinking approaches are not contradictory, but they are mutual supplement one to another. Cause it is similar with the opinion of Thomas Aquinas that cited by Gordon Clark in his explanation about the relations between faith and ratio, that is that faith is the evidence or conviction of things that appear not. Faith therefore grasps objects that are not evident; what is evident is grasped by reason. Faith is les than scientific knowledge because faith does not have vision as science does, although it has the same firm adherence.[2]

Later he explained with emphazing to the word “necessary” and phrase “forced by necessity”, that the affirmed in sentences as this below:

Anything which can be proved by a necessary argument can be known as a scientific conclusion…… Whenever the understanding I forced of necessity to assent to something, it has scientific knowledge …. Whatever things we know with scientific knowledge properly so-called, we know by reducing them to first principles which are naturally present to the understanding….. Hence it possible to have faith and scientific knowledge about the same thing.[3]

It means that the relation between faith and ratio are not contradictory, but they are mutual supplement. That ratio has its object it is the appear, while the object can be seen it is absorbed by faith in other word, there is a limitation in ratio to see or to sense the object that can not be seen, here it is the role of fait take the control in order to lead the ratio so that can absorb the object that is not appear. But in other side, sometime the ratio hold the control on thinking, because the exist object is the object appear, that can be easily catched by ratio its analyzing.

Idea an und ausser sich


Das ding an sich with Wahre ist Geist das Ganje

When it is reviewed from what Kant said, that there is an knowledge about a object that cannot be known, that the object it self that knows its. This condition, he called in words: das ding and sich, or thing in itself. Later Hegel said it is not as such, there is no a knowledge in hidden from an object. We can know the all existency of that object and this he said with the word, das Wahre ist geist das ganje.

Kant and Hegel, same true, but different only in its use. Kant is right, when it I used on the human. Cause the human has a conscience, that can not be known by whoever, except his or herself. Although he or she has been analized up to a smallest parts, and could be explained in detail. But the knowledge on his or her could not be known in certain. Because the conscience is a hidden part in human-self, and it can be only known through human spirit only such as in Proverbs 20: 27 said: “human spirit is a torch of the God, that investigate all his or her inner”.

Hegel is true, when it is used on objects. Because objects could be analized up to the smallest parts, and it can be explained in detail. There is no a hidden part in the object, due to it has no a conscience and it has no a spirit.

When someone want to deny that he has no a conscience, we have denied his existence. And when he recognized that he has a conscience, he also mut recognize the existence of human spirit. This human spirit cannot be absorbed by ratio, that is why it must be absorbed by faith. Because if a formal ratio is ready to absorb the human spirit, it is impossible. That it is on over of human ratio (supra ratio). Formal ratio has no able to explain it, and when human ratio has no able to explain it, it is not mean the existence of human spirit is not. All that happened only because the its ware is wrong in use. There should be used the faith ware, but the ratio ware is used. As a result it is failed to understand it.

The words: das ding an sich are suitable with Paul said in 1 Corinthian 2 : 11, “Whoever will be among the human know, what is contained within human self other hen human self spirit that contained in him”. Thus, there is a part that human self only know through his spirit to investigate his inner. But when investigation on human is based only on das ding an sich, and the investigation is not perfect due to there is a parts of human which can be known clearly. Such as human body, human body can be analyzed/known clearly without there is a hidden parts, as such it is right what is Hegel said, das wahre ist geist das ganje.

So to investigate human, das ding an sich and das wahre ist geist das ganje must be used. In other word that investigation on human must use theology and sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, and philosophy) that means there must be used the investigation wares for faith and ratio. Such that, the sciences related to human, such as sociology and anthropology must conduct their approaches based on idea an und ausser sich from das Ding an sich with Das Wahre ist Geist das Ganje.

Advantage Method of Theology – Philosophy

In the way to integrate both method of reasoning; through this approach would be obtained the truth that based on faith, but also the truth that can be account for with rational. truth of this like must be use philosophy theology method.[4]

The truth as such would for Christianity, method of theology – philosophy would brought someone out to the filth thet can be account for, why? Because someone has faith he or she must understand why he or the has a faith and one to he or she has understood why he or the has a faith, so that he or she can account for his or her faith logically therefore, faith and ratio are two things that can not be separated.

And more ever, 2 Corinthian 10: 5, said that the Christian must build a good, thinking and to oppose the falley thinking. With out mastering the philosophy, this contradictory impossible can be conducted. Again, according to Colossians 2: 8, the Christian is not intribited to use the philosophy, but there is inhibited or must be avoided the empty philosophy (Gnostics). Therefore, in order that Christian know a empty philosophy, he or she must understand philosophy is they have no understood the philosophy.

For the philosophers, theology – philosophy thinking frame can bridges their ritous understanding on religion. For example, karl max, he said that religion is opiate, duz to he has seen the rituals that conducted has change to bees me a toal for nusthetization of self, more great Augusta comte, he pointed out that rituals of religion is not able to function for improvement the life of human being and then, ultimately he proposed to build one new religion, the religion has more noble the humankind, that is the religion of humanity. It is not surprised when Montaigne said, “creature is whose call ed humankind may be mad. A man is impossible to created a worm what ever, but the man always created dozen god”.[5]

Similar to Nietzshe, he seated that modern philosophy (skepticism epistemology) is anti Christian, it is pointed out because assumption that he religion has changed it is not a means. As a result, religion has been used by the leaders of religion as an authority tool, as a tool to ensure for comfortable them self,[6] as such, the religion has distort from the original aim, that is as a means the guide and educate for the human being who held a religion, in order to life better and have the moral.

[1] There is three main theories about the truth. First, theory of correspondence, in which the truth would be received because the existence of relation between a conviction and facts. Second, theory of coherency in under Hegel influence. This theory explained that the truth would be determined by a relation between the assessments itself; third, theory of pragmatics, in which the truth would be determined by the benefit or useful a thing (A.C. Ewing, Persoalan-persoalan Mendasar Filsafat, Yogyakarta, Pustaka Pelajar, 2003). However, the truth, which intended here, is most different from the three theories above.this truth is a truth that is determined on based of what the God proved, both through the holy inspiration especially (Bible + Jesus Christ) or the general revelation (universe). The truth is not relative or subjective. But the truth is an absolutely, similar to the mathematic truth. In which 3 + 4 = 7, it cannot be changed to be 8, although in the based on the common agreement of the all people that they are in this would. Caused the truth of mathematic is the truth of God that His placed in this universe; in which the man could not be able to change with the based on the agreement only. Similar such as the truth by the God that Isaac Newton discovered, “any thing that is throw up, certain, it will fall down”. (Rule of Gravity). It is impossible that an object that throw up, fall up. But it is certainty the object will fall down. This is an absolute truth. The truth that is not based on value and conviction, but it is based on the decision by God that humankind can be known through a searching an tracking or research of humankind on His holy inspiration. Whether through the general universe or the specific holy inspirations.

[2] Gordon H.Clark. Thales To Dewey, (Maryland: The Trinity Foundation, 1985), page 270.

[3] Ibid., 270-271.

[4] Descartes pointed out in his book about, discourse on method and related writings in the part of law to guide the intelligence someone to search the truth, Pointe out that a method must be required in order to looking for the truth o bout things. That is why in this writing is used the method of theology – philosophy. Due to assumption that method must be most required in reasoning, cause the method is a measurement to al for the thrut if the method is wrong, the result, that will be reached, also will be wrong.

[5] Aland wood and Ted Grandt, Reason in Revolt, (fras. Rafiq N., (Yogya: IRE Press), pege 20

[6] Nietzsche, beyond & good and evil : prelude menuju filsafat masa depan, (Yogyakarta : (kon), page 72.

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